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Our Mandate

We believe that the spiritual needs of believers and seekers differ vastly. A personal relationship with God entails worshiping Him and understanding biblical truths. Anyone seeking a relationship with God needs a trustworthy and safe place to investigate the claims of our Lord Jesus Christ. We are committed to striving for excellence in developing ministries that are sensitive to the needs of both.

                          OUR VISION

We believe God commands every human to receive and believe the gospel. Thus, He wants everyone to repent and receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Consequently, we believe in producing a global community of Christ-like nature, developed and equipped to spiritual maturity.

                             WHAT WE DO

Jesus Christ came not to establish a religion or to proclaim a custom. He came as a solution to human challenges. He proffered solutions to depression, addiction, health issues, relationships, anxiety, and others.
At SR&RC, we preach the undiluted Word of God to meet peoples' emotional, physical, relational, and spiritual needs, among others.

                         OUR COMMUNITY

As part of our mission, we touch people's lives by reaching out to our communities with a message of Christ's love through Christ-centered and community-oriented initiatives.

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